Friday, March 16, 2012


so the geese have returned to woodbury.  which means that soon traffic will be stopped for the gooslings (is that right baby??) to cross the road.  but thats not what this post is about.

there is one goose strutting around the parking lot, with its wings held halfway out.  It makes me want to go outside and play Selby's favorite game with  the goose.  You hold your arms out, kinda hunch over, and start walking really slow towards her.  She loves it, gets down on the ground and tries to "hide" and see how long she can wait before she tears off like a banshee.  Or lately, like an overweight out of shape banshee.... but thats another topic.  Anyways, i want to go do this with the goose. 

Sadly, logic tells me that the goose will not play Selby's game, and more likely, Mr. Goose will probably attack me.  Since i have been jumped by ducks before, as a little girl, i thought better of it.  (i guess i was rocking out a denim jacket with gold buttons.  The ducks wanted my buttons.)

For some reason that makes me think of Katie's wedding when i wanted to go down on the golf course to get the "glowing" balls.  She would not let me do this.  So instead, Katie's mom, aunt, cousin, and I raced across the golf course at night, and ran thru the sprinklers in our wedding garb.  We found out after that the sprinklers water was from the standing ponds on the gc, so they REEKED.  (As a side note, this was not the last wedding i ran thru sprinklers at as a bridesmaid)

After all this rambling, and thinking of some of the things i have done, and thought of doing this morning already, i wonder who thought it would be a good idea to give me a baby.  Poor Jacob... I have a feeling Mike will be the one telling me that's not a good idea with some ideas i come up with for Jacob.   He already told me having a baby who does the sprinkler and shopping cart dance is not necessary.  I disagree.  Jacob will know these dances by age 3.  That is my goal.  Come on, whats cuter than a baby dancing?  A baby who does the stupid dances that make me laugh, thats what...


  1. thanks for that blast from the past - i didn't go through the sprinklers, but i managed to moon my mom and got hugs from all you stinky girls. i loved it!

  2. yeah, mom running around was a funny thought. if I weren't 8 months prego i would have too - great post :)
