Thursday, October 25, 2012

One year!! Update

Dear Jacob,

I am amazed that you are already a year old!!  You have gotten so big, and I think this is my favorite age with you yet!  You are walking, although you think you can run, you babble more than ever, you can somewhat communicate with us, and seem to understand more and more each day.

Babyzilla terrorizing the parking ramp
 Here are 12 things you are doing:

1.  As mentioned, you are walking all over the house.  You think you can run, but you can't.  I love your determination though, because you keep trying.  You carry around books, tractors, your blankie, and your sippy (not all at the same time though...)
You still have crazy hair like the day you were born

2.  You can understand us more.  One of the new favorite games is "Gonna get you" and you squeal and attempt to run.  or you chase us, giggling the entire way.  If I ask you to throw Selby the ball, or hand me something, you respond to the direction. 

3. You absolutely love to read. We are hoping you pick some new favorite books soon, because the ones we read over, and over, and over are getting old. THe favorite books are moo baa, go dog go, little blue truck, and the truck book. We have moved two sesame street books out to the car for you to look at there. Really, it's because we are so sick of reading them.

Reading Moo Baa La la la
4. You loved going to the book store. We went to pick out some birthday books, and you would find the books you already have and get so excited. You really didnt care about the new ones, but you found a tractor book that rolls and you love that one.

5. Speaking is coming along, as well as signing. You have 3 words, mama, dada, and hi. You say "Da" a lot for something, but we are still tyring to figure out what you are saying. You can sign All Done (really well!), food, and more. You love to blow kisses and wave byebye

First trip to Barnes & Noble

6. You are a flirt. Especially with the girls at daycare. I've seen you try holding their hands at breakfast, and you and Aubrey love to blow each other kisses.

7.  Still not a fan of crowds (or cake).  We had your birthday party, and you would get overwhelmed with all the attention.  Daddy had to take you outside to wind down.  You wanted nothing to do with your cake, even though Jen and I spent A LOT of time on it. 

Getting brave exploring on our walk
 8.  You are a boy's boy.  You love all things truck and tractors, and have started to make your own tractor noises.  It makes me laugh, and you are so serious about them.  I hear you and dad during bath time making boat noises too. 

9.  Another favorite game is to steal your blankie and cuddle with it.  You laugh like a maniac and steal it back from us and will cuddle with it.  The blankie goes everywhere with you, and when you sleep, you snuggle right into it.  Speaking of snuggles, you will seek us out to snuggle now. It is one of my favorite things about you. Such a cuddler when you want to be! If you are sleepy, you will lay down on the floor, with your behind in the air and snuggle with your blankie, selby's bed, my lap, whatever is nearby.

Action shot!
10.  You had your first surgery this month.  The recovery was quick, and I'm glad we did it.  No ear infections for over a month now!! That's impressive for you.  And you sleep more soundly, not tossing and turning a ton.  Still up alot, but that's a whole nother issue...

11.  We are in the process of weaning.  You get two sippy's at daycare and one bottle. Next week, the bottles will be all done with!!  Daycare is already talking about moving you up to the next room at the end of November!

12.  Dinner time is one of the funnest times with you.  You are very vocal about what you like, and will "num num" thru most the meal if it's one of your favorites.  The favorites are: cottage cheese, shredded cheese, watermelon, and bananas.  You still like black beans, but will take the cottage cheese over them.  Selby also loves dinner time because you are so nice and share with her.  You think you are being sneaky, and will act like you are going to eat, then you look at us, lean over, and drop the food for the dog.  Oh baby.

I can't believe my lil baby is already a year old. SO BIG!  I'm torn between wanting you to stay my littlle baby, and so excited to see the little boy you are becoming.

All my love,

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Just catching up! Too cute. Brings me down memory lane with the boys! So sweet!
