Tuesday, January 29, 2013

15 Month Update

Dear Jacob,

Well, I am only 9 days late for your 15 month update, but since you came two days after your due date, we will call it even OK?

I also am going to have to make this a quicker post.  I am typing this on my lunch break, because busy season has hit, daddy is traveling for work, and after spending the evening with you, then cleaning up and getting ready for the next day, I'm lucky if I can make it to 9 before crashing.

SO, here it is, 15 things about 15 months:

1.  Had your 15 month check up.  I unknowingly lied to you and said there would be no shots.  There were 4 shots.  You were not happy.  They also checked your ears.  That REALLY pissed you off.  It was not a good doc appt...  You weigh 23 lbs 10 oz and are still in the 40% for height and weight.

2.  You are going to eat me out of house and home.  I thought you wouldnt break the food budget until you were a teenager, but apparently you didn't get that message.  You eat.  A LOT.  the other night for dinner, you had a gerber container of pasta raviolis, an entire banana, a pouch of apple/sweet potato, a container of yogurt, 1/4 c of cottage cheese, 4 oz whole milk, and some puffs and goldfish.  Seriously, where do you put it??

3.  You have been getting lots of molars.  It's been *fun* to say the least.  Your poor little gums get so swollen.  But, you like to brush your teeth most mornings.  Sometimes you just suck on it, which is a little gross.  Being independent though, you wont let us do it for you.

4. Corn is a FAVORITE item to play with.  Daddy had a great idea of taking some dried corn and letting you go wild.  You love to dump it in and out, as well as driving the trucks through it.

5.  You still love books.  Current favorites are Moo, Baa, LALALA, Roadwork, Lots of Trucks, and of course, Little Blue Truck.

6.  Words:  you can say momma, dada, hi, bye, dog, truck, and duck.  i think you also say this or that, but can't quite tell yet.

7.  Sign language:  eat, drink, more, all done, bath, milk, water, banana, boat, itsy bitsy spider, and there are a couple of others that daycare must have taught you, becuase we have no idea what they are....

8.  We went to the Children's museum one Friday aftenoon, and you LOVED it.  The water area, and running up and down ramps were the best.  You also liked watching the trucks drive by in St. Paul.
9.  The tantrums have already started.  You get SO ticked if something doesnt go your way.  You will pitch yourself backwards and scream.  Or, if you dont like what I give you for dinner (which is at least twice a week) you fling your arms back and forth and everything goes flying.  Selby has been caught in the crossfire of this and has been covered in food.

10.  You think you are so big on your slide.  You go down all by yourself and clap when you are done. 

11.  Did i mention you love playing with corn?? this was the first time, you had layed down on top of it and did a snow angel, kicking those lil legs and swinging the arms.  Or you stomp on it and kick it standing up.  (if you find random corn at our house, now you know why)

12.  You know all kinds of animal sounds:  dog, cat, cow, pig, 3 singing pigs, sheep, goat, duck, fish, lizard, rhino, polar bear, dinosaur, horse, penguin and drum.  I LOVE the rhino and penguin.

13.  You are getting way too smart.  You know where items are kept in the kitchen.  When you are hungry (when aren't you really?) you will bring us in there and point at the cupboard you want or the fridge.  Otherwise, you just take the cereal out and bring it to us.  You remember things too.  You have a routine, and like it to stay that way.  At night, since we've stopped nursing, we read 2 books.  The SAME 2 books since night one.  If I try to read a new one, you slap it away.  YOu know how to work the iPad and our phones, your chubby lil fingers just swip away.

14.  you are a little ham.  You love having your picture taken and if i take out the camera, you grin like a maniac, and then run at me to get as closeasyoucantothecamera. the result - blurry baby and then extreme close ups.  Here's one that kind of turned out...

15.  other random facts:
Clothes:  12-18 month
Diapers:  size 4
fav fruit:  pears
Fav foods:  eggs, yogurt, smoothies, gerber pasta pick ups
Dont like:  meat, homemade baby food, veggies
Toys:  trucks, stacking cups, car puzzle
Song:  itsy bitsy spider

Love you more then you will ever know,

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