Monday, May 21, 2012

7 month update

It's hard to believe 7 months has already gone by and in 5 short months, my little baby will be 1!

Here's what Jacob is up to:

1.  Sleeping is getting "better".  We can now put him down on his own at night, and he falls asleep by himself.  we occasionally need to go back in to settle him once, but he will typically sleep now until somewhere b/w 10:30 and 12 before waking up!  Which is amazing for us.  He wakes up in that time, but is able to finally get back to sleep on his own.  He ends up in bed with us anywhere from midnight to 2.  It's just easier with nursing and not going up and down stairs.

2.  Taking longer naps, and in the crib!  This is both at home and daycare.  He's never been a good napper, but starting to nap for 45-hour.  The other day he actually napped 2 hours in the crib. 

3.  Still only 2 meals a day.  Rice/Oatmeal only in the morning (2 tblsp) and rice/oatmeal at night w/ about 1/2 package of a fruit or a veggie.  Some nights he eats the entire container, if he really likes the food.  Which tends to be bananas (yuck) or peas.  He isn't eating all of his bottles at daycare, so until he does that, we are not doing a third meal.

4.  Tried puffs last night, they were a fail.  Will try again in a week.

5.  He can pull himself up to standing!  Yea Jacob!

6.  Working on crawling.  He can get on all fours and rocks away, but no moving yet.  I don't think it will be much longer. 

7.  Also tried a sippy cup with water.  Jacob didn't quite get it.  But had fun playing with it.

8.  SOme of his favorites:
      Time of day:  Bathtime or laying in bed talking in morning.
       Food:  LOVES Plum Organics, esp the kinds that have banana in it
       Toys:  Colored rings that stack, Mr. Snail, and the JD tractor i got at a garage sale
       Words:  SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH and Crazy baby
      Songs:  Chilly Willy, Arms Across, and You are my Sunshine

9.  Some random facts:
       Wears size 3 diapers
       Is in 6-12 mo clothing, depending on brand
       Loves being held, talked to, "petting" the cat, watching Selby (she wont get close enough to be pet),
        making raspberries, pulling hair
      Hates:  puffs, not being able to get anywhere when on hands and knees, when we sit him down to get something done around the house

10.  My favorite thing?  he is such a funny little baby.  His expressions, how excited he gets when he sees Mike or I, when he snuggles in and just lays on me.  Mike and I are always showing each other photos we took and videos.  The new fun thing is watching him on the video monitor, and laughing about the sleep positions he's in.  This little baby has definetly captured our hearts.  :)


  1. aw! i love the updates, even though we talk so much i already know this stuff (so funny, like looking at your own yearbook even though you lived it). soon your house will be Jacob-proofed. ;)

    maybe your blog title should be Not a Fan a Bananas? just a thought.

    1. i can't believe how much more like bananas the plum organic brand smells than the gerber brand. stupid bananas.
