Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lemonade Punch & S'mores Trifle

By popular request from the get together we had for our "Holiday Party in July" here are the recipes for the lemonade punch and the S'more trifle, both of which were gone by the time the party was over (and i made a quadruple batch of punch...)

Cucumber Mint Lemondade Punch  (click to see original website)
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 can of frozen lemon concentrate
2-3 sprigs of mint (i did lots of mint)

1. Mix the lemonade concentrate with the 7-Up, set aside.
2. Blend 1/2 of the cucumber and mint in a blender.
3. Whisk the blended mixture into the lemonade/7-up mixture.
4. Slice up the rest of the cucumber and the lemons, add into the drink. Also rip the leaves off the last sprig of mint and add to the top.
5.  We also discovered you can add some adult "supplements" to this for a fun summery adult drink (white wine, rum or vodka)

S'mores Trifle - Look to see some mouth watering pictures...
  • 1 box brownie mix
  • 1 large box or 2 small of instant choco­late pud­ding (approx. 4 cups)
  • 2 sleeves of gra­ham crack­ers, bro­ken (not crushed), set aside 2 crackers
  • 1 tub of whipped topping
  • 1 small jar of Marsh­mal­low Creme
  • 1 C mini marshmallows
  • 1 Hershey’s Bar
1. Start by bak­ing a 9x13 pan of brown­ies accord­ing to the pack­age direc­tions. Once done, allow to cool and cut up into chunks. No need to be exact with any of it! :) While that bakes & cools, you can mix up the pud­ding and break up your gra­ham crackers.
2. In a tri­fle dish add a layer of brownie pieces (for me, this was a lit­tle less than half the pan). Then, top the brownie pieces with about half of the pud­ding.
3. On top of the choco­late pud­ding, add a layer of bro­ken gra­ham crack­ers. I just broke them up in a bag­gie. I wanted small pieces, but not just crumbs. Make sure the choco­late pud­ding is cov­ered well with the gra­ham cracker.
4. Take half of the whipped top­ping from the tub and mix it in a bowl with half of the marsh­mal­low creme. It will prob­a­bly lumpy and that’s totally ok. Spread that mix­ture over the gra­ham cracker layer.
5. Repeat all the lay­ers again. You’ll end with the whipped top­ping mixture…
6.  YOu can broil the marshmellows for about 10-15 sec to get them brown, but i don't know if i would do that step again, kind of a pain.  Otherwise, sprinkle the marshmellows on the top.  Crush the 2 graham crackers, sprinkle over marshmallows, and then break up the candy bar over that.
7.  Chill for a few hours to blend flavors, and serve!

Thanks again to all those who came over on Saturday!  Luckily the weather held out for a bit!  I think these are some of my fav Pinterest recipes!

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