Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sleep Training

What do all 3 of these pictures have in common beyond a sleeping baby?  That's right, none of these pictures show a sleeping baby in his crib.... his brand new, barely been slept in crib.  Seriously, we could have saved some money, or just bought a king bed.

Jacob is not a sleeper.  There is a baby in daycare, Parker, who is 3 wks older than Jacob, and all he does is sleep i guess.  Kid will take 3 hour naps.  I love it when Jacob sleeps over 30 minutes!!  We have found certain things help him sleep longer:
sleeping in the swing
sleeping in the carseat
sleeping in our bed

****************big sigh**********************

We are working on sleeping in the crib.  So now he starts off the night in the crib, but ends up in our bed, usually around 10ish.  A large part of this is our fault because we want sleep.  I'm lazy in the middle of the night, and i don't want to trek it up the stairs at least twice just for nursing.  Although, that's a whole nother topic becuase i've been told by a couple medical/baby professionals, that he doesn't need to be nursing at night anymore.  Hello, i've seen my baby, i know he's chunky, but i love every roll.  He doesnt NEED to eat at night, but its comforting to him, and honestly, if i could get him to sleep where he only woke up the two times to eat, i would be ecstatic.

So, first hurdle is the crib.  Second hurdle is staying asleep.  The past 2 nights now he's gone to bed in the crib and fallen asleep there on his own, ie, not nursing to sleep.  Last night was easy, tonight took a few tries and cries, before he finally fell asleep.  I figure we can take it slow.  I know once we hit the spot to keep him in his crib all night there will be some rough nights.  The plan is after tax season is done to do this.  I don't want to have to nurse him to sleep.  During the night I don't mind, but it would be nice to go out at night without worrying how someone will get Jacob to sleep. 

At this point, i have no expectations, I just pray for little developments that gradually become a big change. 


  1. yes to the big sigh. you realize you'll be tired for the rest of your life because you're a mommy, right? thank God for coffee.

  2. btw, lovelovelove the sleeping baby pics. ugh he is SO cute!!

  3. Yep, that is my kids! not nappers.
