Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 4 - Listen

So, i have been slacking on the blogging aspect of the intentional parenting series, but i have been doing the "homework" at home!  who knew that there are limited hours in a day, and surprisingly, you need to sleep and go to work....

The discussion was on how as parents, we tend to ignore some of the times our children ask for our attention, because we are too busy.

Too busy making dinner.
too busy checking emails
too busy working
too busy talking ourselves
too busy cleaning
too busy being distracted

This teaches kids that we don't value them.  That whatever we are doing is more important then them.  I know at times, you are too busy to stop and listen, but most the time, would the 2 seconds it takes really mess up what you are doing?

Think about how it feels when someone ignores you.  Hurtful, like you don't matter, that you are not as important, that you are not worthy.

I don't want Jacob to think these things about himself.  I don't want to treat him this way.

1.How much time do you spend on media each day? 
More than i need to. it's so easy with a smart phone and ipad to just look "quick".  then i get distracted, or in a time suck of fb and pinterest. 

2.Do you take time in your day for prayer?  Mothers need to set inentional time to recharge our own batteries, if we are empty we have nothing to give.
I'm ashamed to admit it's not consistent.  I will pray when something is weighing on my heart, when i want to lift a loved one up, or when i need help.  I was doing well that when i put jacob to bed, i prayed.  But, to be intentional, i need to set up a time of day and do it.  I used to journal my prayers, and that really helped me to focus, and that is my plan to start doign again.

3.How can you set aside time for yourself each day? 
At night after Jacob is in bed.  I like to read before bed, but lately have been so exhausted that i just go to bed.  I should go 10 min earlier, and just take that time to relax and just be alone.

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